Working Hours:
The Kenyatta University Funeral Home operates on a 24hrs/7 days a week basis for reception, dispatch, transfers and inquiries.This makes the facility to be within reach at any time of the day.
Operationalisation of the complex:
The operationalisation of the Human Anatomy Laboratory Complex is in line with the Kenyatta University ’s Vision and Mission statements to provide Quality Education and Training, Promote Scholarship,Service,Innovation and Service to humanity. This is also enshrined in the university ’s philosophy statement of Sensitivity and responsiveness to Societal Needs and the right of every person to knowledge.
The Human Anatomy Complex comprises two complementary sections namely:The Topographic Anatomy Laboratory (The dissection Laboratory)and a Mausoleum.

The Kenyatta University Funeral Home Complex
The Human Anatomy laboratory deals with the academic component where Medical students systematically dissect cadavers in order to have a sound knowledge of the human body. The cadavers used in this laboratory are sourced in accordance with the legal provisions and are specifically treated to conform to the afety standards.
They are preserved to last the entire process of dissection without deterioration. The mausoleum comprises a storage and
preservation facility for bodies brought in by the public or the police,pending interment.